Macy’s Implosion

Macy’s Implosion

Everybody likes to watch buildings implode. I have watched many buildings in downtown Houston come crashing to the ground. Some weren’t even that old. (Houston in general doesn’t like anything old..that’s why the Heights is so unique).

Original Foley's Store Downtown

Original Foleys Store-Downtown

My kids are grown and gone, so I can’t get them out of bed at dawn for an adventure anymore. I’m more lazy than I used to be also. Luckily there is YouTube; Everything is now online. So, if you didn’t see this on the news, here it is, the 9/22/13 implosion of downtown Houston’s Macy’s (previously Foleys).

When Foley’s opened in 1947 to a crowd of 200,000 people, Newsweek called the building “the most radical and practical store in America.” The architect was Kenneth Franzheim.

The Foley’s chain was re-branded as Macy’s in 2006.


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