Open Streets (Actually Closed Streets) in the Heights
Open Streets Trial Planned for White Oak/Quitman in the Heights
White Oak and Quitman Streets will be closed for an experiment to see if Houstonians can be convinced to get out of their cars and try to actually walk the area and enjoy the street.
Sunday, April 6th, from 11:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. is the date for the Heights. Other areas will follow: In May a stretch of Westheimer in Montrose will close to auto traffic. Washington Ave will then have a strip closed in June. Walking, skating, bicycling are being promoted. Leave the cars at home…or at least park nearby and walk over to the area. Regina Garcia, president of Bike Houston said “You can bring your jump rope and you can bring your Hula Hoop””.”
The Westheimer and Washington Ave shut downs seem logical. There are lots of businesses and people actually do enjoy walking, when not having to dodge cars. White Oak has gotten almost high-density eateries too. The best part about closing White Oak and Quitman though is to co-mingle the neighborhoods. How many Heights residents actually go under I-45 to visit the “other side”? Ooh, scary huh…actually venture out of our comfort zone. The train is running there. Walk over there and then ride the train…would that be weird?
“Open Street” is the name of the newly announced pilot program. Texas Monthly covered it after finding it in the Chronicle. Since it was just announce yesterday, more info should be forthcoming.
One Response to Open Streets (Actually Closed Streets) in the Heights
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We were at the Westheimer event and it was awesome! Perfect weather, ran into people from the neighborhood, and some of the stores participated as well. Hope this will be a regular event!