Now What Was There? Artist Cary Reeder

“Now What Was There?” Disappearing Heights Bungalows.

Heights people will love local artist Cary Reeder’s work on display at Lawndale Art Center, “Now What Was There?” The vanishing bungalows of the Heights are her inspiration.

Heights Artist Cary Reeder

“Now What Was There?”

The themes of loss and secrecy abound in her works. Loss of sense of place, and disappearing memories, disappearing history with each cleared lot. Her works are pastel colors, but haunting nonetheless. A must visit.

See info on her works at  To see insight into the artist and how her art inspires, please see her blog; you will love it!

“Now What Was There” is on display until September 28, 2013. Lawndale Art Center, 4912 Main St.

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